
Monday, July 23, 2012

#MBFWCT Special Report: The Verdict Is In - 5 Shows Missed

So last night, as I was depleting the remaining balance in my 3G's data account, I received an email from AFI's media agency, CSA. It was my media accreditation for MBFWCT. My pulse increased, my heart slowed and my stomach knotted into a sailor's knot done in a drunken state of soberness.

What was the verdict? The jury was in and a decision had been made on my presence at fashion week. My eyes welled up and I was prepared for the worst. Like seriously, what were my chances against all these professional media personas and international bloggers and reporters about to descend on our shores. Who was I to get anything more than a show or two.

After reading my email, detailing exactly what I had access to and where to park and when to collect what from who what for. I had to stop, scroll to the top of the email, and read again. I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, I believed my eyes, I just couldn't comprehend what my brain was translating into thought processes and understanding.

The email read, "...Your accreditation to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Cape Town 2012 has been approved  (excl Gavin Rajah and David Tlale that is managed by their media team)..."

Then there was a bit about, "...We also look forward to welcoming you to the official red-carpet, cocktail opening of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Cape Town at the iconic City Hall on Wednesday 25 July for a dazzling display.."

And another, "...There will also be an exclusive “designer’s salon” after each show where designer and their collections will be available hot off the runway for interviews or photographs..."

Well, thank goodness I was home alone when I read this because the email was followed by wild screams of jubilation and some sort of happy feet dance. I can't possibly truly recall what it was but I think the words, 'pure happiness', come close to giving a clear illustration of the emotion experienced.

So as it stands, here is the line-up for fashion week, in terms of the shows I've been graciously granted acces to:

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

  • Rosenwerth
  • Philosophy
  • Kluk CGdT
Thursday, 26 July 2012
  • Habits Fashion
  • Craig Port
Friday, 27 July 2012
  • CTFC Presentation (Black Coal/Strato/Selfi/August/Non-European)
  • Michelle Ludek / Ruff Tung
  • Thula Sindi / Ruald Rheeder
  • Viyella Heritage
Saturday, 28 July 2012
  • Lalesso
  • Tart / Adriaan Kuiters
  • Spero Villioti
  • Stefania Morland
  • Dax Martin brought to you by Veet
For a complete Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Cape Town experience, I need to now organise access to Leigh Schubert; Gavin Rajah; Hip Hop; Fabiani and David Tlale.

So, if any of the above mentioned designers are reading this, please help a wannabe fashion blogger make his dreams come true!!!!

Keep posted on the blog for further updates. Am now going to try and see how many interviews and behind-the-scenes I can pull off for this week. It's always great to get some stuff that no one else sees.

And the excitement continues - #MBFWCT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you BITCH! I'm so Jealous right now!

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