
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

London Collections Men AW 2013: Day 3 - Wednesday, 9 Jan 2013

London Collections happened last week (Mon, 7 Jan - Wed, 9 Jan 2013) and it was a bumper packed three days of delicious fashion. To get a full scoop on all the designers and all their collections, please feel free to visit the home site via, London Collections. I went through the lists and have picked shows I enjoyed and ones that have specific items that I thought were worth the mention. Today is the last installment in my series of reviews. I have cheated slightly by only choosing to talk about shows that have made an impact of interest to me, but, then again I do blog for myself in the hopes that you the consumer will be interested in my opinion.

For my Day 1 review, click here.

For Day 2, click here.

Now, for Day 3...

Christopher Raeburn
This is the kind of collection today's sporty spice would endorse for her man or man-lady. It's chic, functional, practical and takes on the right form to ensure comfort is not overshadowed by style. I enjoyed the combination of practical fabrics (the parkas and coats) with luxurious, textured materials (trousers, blazers, scarves). The colour palette was rather muted with interesting introductions of darker shades of spot life - the mustard and the powder blue formed into polka dots. I particularly loved seeing red in the collection. By now you should be aware of my bias towards the primary colour. It always adds a punch and dash of salt to anything and everything. I can almost feel myself wearing the red jumper and trench. It was clearly made with me in mind. Overall the collection is highly sellable and workable. Can be adapted for both work and play and is versatile enough to be introduced to an entirely new wardrobe to create new combinations to ensure the pieces feel and look new each time you wear them.

Here's a video of Christopher Raeburn's collection at London Collections...

Tom Ford
Yet again, Tom Ford expresses another reason why I love him so much and look up to him. He truly is a visionary and I appreciate the fact that he does what he feels and not what others think will be best for him. For the London Collections: Men showing on the last day of activities, Tom Ford, invited a dose of people to their private showroom for a preview, yes, that is correct, you read preview. When you're Tom Ford there is no need to whip up 50 odd garments to showcase the theme, styling, messaging behind and of the next season. You just need about 10 key looks and you're done. Clearly, if you can't spell it out in 10 looks you're not working hard enough and not being creative enough. Either way, I'm proud to bea fan of such genius. There are currently only three images I could find from this preview and they belong to GQ UK. As soon as anything else surfaces, I'll be sure to upload. Have a squiz through the images and decide for yourself if you love it or you love it.

I was not going to comment on this specific show, although, it did present a highly tailored collection that I enjoyed. Their winning 'ah-ha' moment was the cape. I have been for the past two years talking about men wearing capes and they produced one that looks like it belongs in my wardrobe. I understand its purpose and I am a human manifestation of its personality. There was no major colour influences, more about looking at British cuts for men, updating them and then introducing a pattern into the mix. I'm not hating, just stating. I will admit to wanting the cape.

Watch the show...

A poncho is an outer garment designed to keep the body warm or, if made from a watertight material, to keep dry during rain. Ponchos have been used by the Native American peoples of the Andes since pre-Hispanic times and are now considered typical South American garments - that's according to Wikipedia. A poncho is that ugly red and orange thing Ugly Betty wears in the American sitcom/series by the same name of a young Hispanic girl with dreams of becoming a writer and she finds herself working in one of America's top fashion magazines, MODE - according to the scriptwriters/creators of the series and its viewers. A poncho is a beautifully tailored outer garment that street smart men who have actual jobs can both afford to buy and wear. It is fun and fresh and beats getting cold in winter. It is designed to be sleek, chic and befitting of a stylish dapper gent who understands that outer wear in the colder months does not need to look like crap, feel like fake and do the exact opposite of its prescribed duties - that's according to my interpretation of Shaun Samson's latest menswear offering. In a blazingly subdued collection, Shaun presents a series of garments men all over could acquire a taste for without much objection. There's a man-about-town kind of ease and elegance in the collection. My key highlights, including the apparent poncho craze are the throws turnable-into-capes situation and the puffy jackets - like padding for someone expecting a bumpy winter season. And did you see those cosy and warm thick-knits! Like seriously, can we just discuss how synchronized our minds are? All in all I'm very happy with this presentation. The use of colour is acceptable, the cuts are great and the easiness of the garments makes it one for the shopping basket.

Check out the full fashion show...


Ooh. La. La. That is all I'm going to say. Please watch the video and you will ooh la la with me too.

This collection is so much fun. All these pretty vampires dressed in red and pink roses. Ironic? Not sure... Why wear the colour of blood? Who knows... I just love it. It's crazy, it's fun and it's exciting. Ignore the girls that prance through every now and then thinking they are just as cool as the guys in this collection. Focus on the men. They are wearing pink and shiny shirts and pairs of pants. Their sun dimmers look like they came from outer space and their hair is gel sleek flat all the way back. I wonder if this could be a new kind of man. The kind who thinks he's a day-walking vampire who is invincible. Well, what ever the case may be, we know for sure wearing this collection does not make him invisible. And why should he be if he looks this rock and roll glam. Kudos to you Katie, this is the most fun a straight man can have in clothes.

Look at the boys in red and ignore the girls in pink...

I think I had a moment of ecstasy when I discovered the presentation by Xander Zhou. Like a nuclear hanky-panky between China and hardcore underground street-wear. Where have you ever witness such a union, one so contrasting in origin it seamlessly creates a new whole in the moment. I fell fondly for the coats with the up-turned inside-out detailing. There was a gothic-type Bishop's cloak piece that came off the shoulders that I thought was just too sexy for the church and should rather reside on the streets. Red. Again there was red and I loved it. That red coat is nothing extraordinarily special, apart from the tailoring, but you pair it up with those red pair of pants and wear a sequined dinner shirt in turquoise - you're the prince of the streets - I swear by it. Anyway, let me just stop right there...

See the full collection for yourself...

As far as I'm concerned, that was the best of the lot! Can't believe it was over in three days... Oh well, now I need to get my act together and try to catch up with Milan Menswear Fashion Week before it's finished and Ghana Fashion Week starts... Think it's time we got more renaissance men to help cover all these fashion weeks.

'Til next time,

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