Saturday, August 9, 2014

#SpecialAnnouncement: Happy Women’s Day

Once a year there is a day dedicated to the species on this planet that spends probably one to two months working to produce a human being, and then another nine months carrying that human being, sometimes with one or two other human beings in there at the same time. And after this, this species spends the rest of their lives watching over you.

Women of today are in all sorts of forms, shapes, sizes, ages, times, tastes, and characters. The beauty of it all is that essentially they are the same. They understand each other other and they understand us. We might struggle to know what’s going on but that is the greatness in the challenge of getting to know a woman.

Although everyday should be a celebration of life itself, not just women or men or children, but of life and what it has to offer; today is recognised as Women’s Day, and with that, Renaissance Men SA would like to say enjoy. Why? Because you’re a woman and nothing more or less should matter.

You are strength, the essence of life, laughter, tears of both sadness and joy. You are history, the future, and important, the present moment in life. Your fashion rotates faster than trends and season but your style is just as eternal and the classic colour black.

Remember to be. To be you, at all times, because there is nothing more unique and special than you and your specifically designed perfect imperfections.

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